Replacing of Internal Tension Bars by External Bonded Plate
AbstractThis paper presents comprehensive test data on the effect of replacing internal tension bars by externally bonded steel plate at beam tension face on its cracking pattern, structural deformations and ultimate strength of concrete beams reinforced with external. The experimental work include flexural testing of 100 150 1500mm concrete beams divided into two groups to investigate the mutual action of increasing the plate thickness against its width and vice versa. The test variable included the amount of conventional (internal) reinforcement, percentage of replacing the internal reinforcement with external steel plate and the dimensions of plate. Provided the adhesive layer are chosen carefully and proper gluing techniques are followed The results show that beams reinforced with external steel plate show beam action and composite behavior right up to failure and can be used successfully instead of internal reinforcement of a replacement ratios of removed bars to the original tension bars equal to 33% and 67% in which the steel plates used of wider and thiner than other used plates. There is, however, a limitation to plate thickness beyond which shear/bond failure occurs without the beams achieving their full flexural strength (premature failure).
: Steel plate, bar reinforcement, replacing, epoxy bonded, external plate, composite action RC beams, bond failure, tension face, replacement ratioMetrics