مملكة البحرين ضغوط الداخل والخارج وخيارات المستقبل
Bahrain is one of the Gulf countries that have had an important role to political activity throughout the Gulf region as the geographical location, economic potential and exposure to the challenges and pressures of internal and external political and circumstances reflected in the adoption of the ruling regime attitudes, trends and decisions variable, and today the Kingdom of Bahrain transition very important, they are between the hammer of the internal pressure of the differences within the ruling family and in the growth and the increase in sectarian act effect of the change that has occurred in Iraq after the US occupation and his receipt of the (Shiite) governance and management of the new Iraqi state after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime because of this occupation, and who was this new variable role in increasing aspirations of the population majority in Bahrain to play a bigger role and more important in the Kingdom of management based on the rule of majority rule, which began surfacing and increased claims to democracy and applications mechanisms after subtracting the United States project democratization of the region (the Greater Middle East Project), and between the anvil pressure and external challenge: time problems the borders with neighbors and once allegations of Iranian as the Kingdom is a part, and once the pressure from international organizations critical of the Bahraini government policies in several areas and _khasossa˝ file of human rights and how to deal with the demands of its people and to track these pressures that beset the Kingdom of Bahrain came the idea of this topic, which touched upon in accordance with the axes Next, as well as the introduction and conclusion, I came from a historical perspective on the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the second search of social, economic and cultural formations, and the third axis Turning to the fourth political formations have dealt with internal pressure, and V discuss regional and international external pressures, and the last axis may consider the options and the future of the authority governance in theUK