Design and Implementation of an Interface Unit Communicated by a Laser System Within Wireless Sensor Network
In this paper, an interface unit had been designed and implemented for a wireless sensor network, which used for adapting the sensor output with input of the artificial intelligent system using an electronic control circuit, in conjunction with a Laser communication system. The proposed unit had used a new technique of analog-to-digital conversion based on a pulse period coding system, which had made the transferring of data and key signals between the interface unit and the intelligent system device more efficient, easer, and faster. The pulse period coding system had used a new technique of coding , it constructed from two parts, they are: The first is the pulse period coder part, which converts the characters to pulses with specific periods, and the second is the pulse period decoder part, which converts these pulses to binary data. This system had been simulated and tested using Multisim software package, and one can see that simulation results approach to the theoretical results, so for this reason, this system possesses acceptable design and performance.