Al-Ghadeer Book by Mohammed bin Jareer Al-Tabari (d.922 A.C., 310 A.H.): A Verification Study


AbstractInterested in this research validates the proportion of one of the sources of Islamic history and is a book that takes care of speech GhadeerKhum and the virtues of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) to one historian, is Muhammad ibnJarir al-Tabari, author of the Apostles date and kings. During our study in this research we determined that Muhammad ibnJarir al-Tabari T. 310 AH another book allotted to a recent novels GhadeerKhum collected in two volumes mega, but he unfortunately lost. However, we have benefited from this brief study reached the existence of a recent book GhadeerKhumTabari where the transfer of a number of the provisions of this book all of Qadi al-Nu'manIbnKathir., Which opens a new height to achieve these texts and studied.