أثر الالعاب الاكترونية في حل المشكلات وتجهيز المعلومات لدى تلامذة المرحلة الابتدائية


AbstractThe aim of this research is to know the effect of electronic games in solving problems and preparation information for the primary stage students . The research limits on the primary school students of the year (2012/2013) in Baghdad city Al.Rusafa side and for both gender (males/fe males. To achieve the objective of the research the researcher adopt Test the solving problems which prepared by the researcher IKhlos ALKhalidy and ther extracted the distinguish paragraphs the honesty and the stability.the test cosist of (30) paragraphs, the researcher prepared also preparation information scale according to scientific steps to make the Psychological scale which it was (30) paragraphs and it has the honesty and stability. To achive the objectives of the researcher preparing battery of electronic games was prepaerd, it was (13) meeting as (2) meeting in week. The researchre adopted the experimental method in forming two groups (experimental and control) as causol manner. There rsults leads to find differencesof satatical indications between the average scores of the experimental group students and the control students and it was for the experimental one. Through the results that the researcher reached .