الاحوال الاجتماعية لأهل الذمّة في منظور المستشرق الألماني آدم متز بكتابه نهضة الاسلام (دراسة تحليلية نقدية)


Ahl al-Dhahma are the monotheistic people who lived in the Islamic state, after they were subjected to the teachings of the Islamic religion, by paying the tribute from the hands of the little ones. Metz dealt with the book Nahdat al-Islam al-Dehma. , And their communities in numbers and places of concentration of their presence, as well as their heads in the Islamic State and their names and influence in which they enjoyed, as well as what highlighted the research is the social practices practiced by the people of the Dharma, and focus on what distinguishes them from clothing and other signs imposed on them, At his And the participation of Muslims with them in those celebrations in order to seek pleasure and fun and not religiously religion, as well as research highlighted the position of the religious who leave their religion and embrace Islam, and was touched on is their position of mating with Muslims.