Studying and Analysis a VLF Radio Waves Reflection from The Ionosphere Layer in Thi-Qar Site
AbstractVery Low Frequency (VLF) transmitter signals propagate in guided modes through the earthionospherewaveguide (EIWG) with very little attenuation and can be received literally around theglobe. The measurements of the amplitudes of VLF signals is the most cost effective method forstudying the propagational features of VLF waves in the EIWG and probe the transient ionosphericdisturbances in the D-region. Our space weather monitors measure the effects on Earth whichproduce by solar flares by tracking the changes in VLF radio transmissions as itreflected byionosphere. Solar Center at Stanford University's has developed an inexpensive space weathermonitors that students can install and use . The instruments detect changes to the earth’s ionospherecaused by solar flares and other disturbances. A Super SIDs receiver was installed in the location ofthe Faculty of Science - University of Thi-Qar , to start the project through the design of our antenna.Data collection and analysis is handled by a local PC . VLF signals from the five navigationaltransmitters; 1) TBB , Turkey (26.7 KHZ), 2) DHO38 , Germany (23.4 KHZ) , 3) HWU , France(21.75 KHZ), 4) GQD , UK (22.1 KHZ) , 5) NON , Occupied Palestine (29.9 KHZ) continuouslyfrom May 2017 to 15 September 2017 and analyzed to accomplish the scientific objectives of thiswork.