Routing with Energy Threshold for WSN-IoT Based on RPL Protocol


Internet of Things (IoT) enables things to have connectivity throughthe internet. The number of things is growing fast and has to be uniquelyidentified through the Internet to communicate with other things. In WirelessSensor Networks (WSNs) each node can be considered as a thing. WSN noderesources are very limited due to the need to communicate using low power andusually through unreliable links. Such limitations need an energy efficientrouting protocol. WSN is considered as a type of Low power and LossyNetwork (LLN). The routing protocol for low power and lossy network (RPL)is being adopted for LLN and has been standardized to enable connectivity ofWSN over IoT. RPL constricted a topology similar to tree topology. Nodes inRPL optimized its path using an objective function (OF). OF depends ondifferent node/link metrics in the optimization process. In this paper, an EnergyThreshold RPL (ETRPL) protocol is proposed. ETRPL depends on a newobjective function to enhance energy consumption of RPL protocol by takinginto account the remaining energy of the preferred parent node. ETRPL isimplemented using Cooja simulator. The results show that ETRPL provides anincrease in the remaining energy of at least 87.4% for a small area with highnumber of nodes. ETRPL also performed better with regards to Time Delay,Packet Reception Ratio, and the number of dead nodes in a small area. For alarge area, the performance is not encouraging. Thus the proposed ETRPLprotocol is useful for IoT networks with relatively small areas.