Evaluation of Leukemic Patient`s Compliance with Oral Chemotherapy in Baghdad City
Background: Noncompliance is a major obstacle to the effective delivery of health care. Estimates from the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) indicate that only about 50% of patients with chronic diseases living in developedcountries follow treatment recommendationsObjectives: To evaluate the leukemic patient`s compliance with oral chemotherapy in Baghdad city.Material and methods: A descriptive study was carried out at Baghdad hospitals (Baghdad teaching hospital, andnursing home hospital). Started from 11 of December 2012 to 27 of June 2013. A non-probability (purposive)sample of 60 patients with leukemia and they were on oral chemotherapy. The questionnaire was designed andconstructed by the researcher according to review of literatures and related studies. The content validity of theinstrument was established through penal of (11) experts. Reliability of the patient compliance was determined bytest-retest method which was estimated as average (r=0.851).Data was gathered by interview technique using thequestionnaire format and data was analyzed by application of descriptive and inferential statistical methods.Results: Regarding age group (20-29) years was the larger group (31.7%). Nearly equal percent of male to female(48.3% and 51.7% respectively). Larger group (38.3%) of sample was primary school in educational level and(65%) of sample has less than one year illness duration. The result indicates the patient compliance with oralchemotherapy in which (55%) of patients was compliance and (45%) was not compliance with oral chemotherapy.The result also shows that there are no significant relationship at P>0.05 between (age groups, gender andeducational level), and patient compliance to chemotherapy, which there are significant correlation at P<0.05between patients duration of illness and patient`s compliance to chemotherapy.Conclusion: The results reveals that the majorities of study group were (20-29) years old, nearly equal percent of maleto female, and primary school in educational level. The result indicated that (45%) of patients with leukemia arenot compliance to oral chemotherapy.