The Effect of Swom Strategy on Learning Some Basic Skills in Accordance with Kinematic Compatibility
Witnessing our modern scientific and information revolution than what preceded the revolutions over the centuries, and this revolution from the requirements of the existence of a strong scientific base basis ie they need a human being creative innovative, and this is achieved without learning keep pace with requirements of the age to qualify our students to meet these rapid changes we are going through the importance of research is to take advantage of the well-known educational strategies and convert them to serve the sports field and knowledge of their impact on learning some skills in volleyball as well as the link between the educational strategy and the rest of the mathematical sciences, especially mechanical ones to feed the student information The Mieh based on sound foundations, and formed the research problem by trying to find solutions to overcome some of the difficulties facing the student while he studied volleyball accept and learn motor skills for some basic skills.The researchers aim to:1. Prepare curriculum to learn some technical skills of volleyball using som strategy in accordance with the harmonization Elkinmetekih performance skill and identify the level of performance for students in the second phase.2. Identifying some kinetic variables for the students of the research sample and finding out the effect of using strategy in learning the handling skill from the top of the volleyball.The researchers hypothesized:1. There are significant differences in the values of some Elkinmetekih variables and the level of performance and the impact of the use of som strategy (swom) in accordance with the harmonization Elkinmetekih some of the technical skills of the research sample students between the control and experimental groups in favor of the experimental group.The results were presented, analyzed and discussed in chapter IVThe researchers concluded:1. The educational curriculum affects the strategy according to Som harmonization Elkinmetekih positive impact and the proportion of significant progress in learning handling from the top volleyball skill in the experimental group.2.The traditional method has a positive effect on learning the handling skills from the top of the volleyball, but with a slight development in the skill learning of the control groupThe researchers recommended:1-the need to pay attention to the use of the strategy of som in learning the skill of handling from the top volleyball.2-the need to pay attention to the use of the strategy of som according to the kinetic adjustment in learning skill
Kinesthetic learning - VolleyballMetrics