Knowledge of Mothers Regarding Poliomyelitis Eradication among Sample in Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City
Poliomyelitis (Polio) is viral disease that attacks the nervous system and it is highly infectious. Frequently, its victims show no symptoms, but about one in 200 infected children suffers from paralysis and sometimes death. Children less than five years of age are the most vulnerable group for infection while anyone can be infected by the disease.The objectives of this study were to determine the level of mother's knowledge toward polio immunization and eradication, so as to find out knowledge of mothers toward polio immunization and eradication with associated factors.A cross sectional study with a multistage method or (multistage sample), was carried out during the period from 15th September 2014 to 23rd. December 2015. Data were collected from primary health care centers in Baghdad city by using a special questionnaire format which was constructed for this purpose, included one part: Knowledge of mothers. The study sample was (420) of mothers who gave their consent. The results of the study indicated that mothers of urban residency were better than rural, middle age were better than early age; highly educated reported, were better than low educated women; mothers of crowding index of > 5 individual classified, had low correct response; of low socio-economic status assessed, had too low correct response concerning their knowledge about the disease.Regarding to source of information the results indicated that the majority of mothers consider health personnel as the major source of information. The present study concluded that the mother's knowledge about vaccination was found to be inadequate.Concerning with their knowledge, a highly significant association at P<0.01 among different levels of socio demographic characteristic variables were reported. The study recommends increasing efforts to educate all mothers (by health education program) who attend the primary health care center for any reason regarding importance of oral polio vaccine doses (routine and campaigns) and never forget any of these doses.