Improvement and Properties of Fiber Metal Laminates Used in Aircraft Wing by Using Graphite-Polyester
The main objective of this study is to reduce weight andto improve the mechanical properties of aircraft wing byusing Hybrid materials known as fiber metal laminates(FMLs). They are new age of engineering materials, whichconsist of metal layers reinforced with fibers emerged bymatrix phase. In this study, seven layers were used toproduce the FMLs, which are consist of aluminumalloy2024-T3 reinforced by carbon and glass fibers bondedwith using blend of graphite-polyester as adhesion. TheCarbon Glass Reinforced Aluminum Laminates(CAGRALLs) is used as FMLs. The results show that theCAGRALLs give better in mechanical properties becauseof increasing in tensile strength, yield strength, , elasticmodulus, elongation at fracture, flexural modulus andimpact toughness except flexural strength by comparingwith FMLs by using commercial epoxy as adhesion forother researchers. The increasing in layers is led to weakenadhesion force between layers of FMLs that led to decreasealmost mechanical properties. The FMLs has goodmechanial properties by using carbon and glass fiber bycomparing with carbon and jute fibers. The CAGRALLshave the higher numbers of cycles at failure under cyclicloadings than Aramid Reinforced Aluminum Laminates(ARALLs). The CAGRALLs have the lower density bycomparing with aluminum alloy 2024-T3 and steel thatused in manufacturing of aircraft wing.