Analyze the relationship of the phenomenon of the transmission of financial crises-study its analysis between the Chinese market and selected financial markets
2020, Volume 16, Issue Special Issue part 2, Pages 33-43
Global changes and the emergence of financial and economic globalization and its intertwined relationships, the liberalization of foreign trade and financial markets and the recurrence of the emergence of financial crises and their spread in the global economies. To address it, hence the aim of the research appears through scientific explanations and standard analyzes to know the causes of the crisis and its infection and the importance of giving planners an idea of how to hedge them in the event of a crisis in a country linked to Intertwined Qat assuming the existence of correlation coefficients between a group of countries and during different time periods, to reach the most important conclusions that indicate the modified non-conditional correlation coefficient of the existence of a transmission of financial crises infection between the Chinese market and the French market UK in some periods, and in order to give the most important recommendations through Adopting the early warning system for crises and the hedging system in the event of the emergence of a financial crisis in a country linked economically, financially and commercially, and trying to take conservative economic and trade policies until the crisis ends in order to alleviate the financial crises.