The Mecca Covenant before the mission In the he Wafa book on the conditions of Mustafa to Aben al-Jawzi (597 AH / 1200 AD) (Critical Analytical Study)


institutions recorded their presence in a distinctive way through their various scientific activities, as most of them were jurists and at the same time writers and perhaps interested in the science of history and participated in other scientific arts, and among these scholars and the famous historian Ibn al-Jawzi, who was one of his most prominent products in the historical field His huge book: The Regular in the History of Kings and Nations, and the book included a huge historical material related to the blessed Prophet’s biography, and one of the important history books of Ibn al-Jawzi is: Kitab al-Wafa in the Status of the Chosen One, and this book is an abbreviation of the Prophet’s biography that is in Kitab al-Mu'tazim. From his novels, it was proven in him by raising many of his narratives for short, and this book was studied and the focus was on the historical narratives of Ibn al-Jawzi in the Meccan era without the civil covenant of the Prophet’s biography, and through our study of this important historical detail of the Prophet’s biography, we concluded that there are narratives that can be subjected. For analysis and criticism in comparison with the considered primary sources, as well as subjecting them to reason and logic, to come up with analytical results for those texts that we have chosen from among many His narrations to be evidence of what we assumed from the research hypotheses, such as what is related to his fathers and the work that the Messenger was practicing before the blessed mission of the Prophet, as well as the issue of revelation and its revelation and what Ibn al-Jawzi said about him in his history, as well as the incident of tearing al-Sadr that was repeated more than once in the history of al-Mu'tazim, as well as In a number of significant histories, and after discussing these narrations and subjecting them to criticism, analysis and comparison, and mental evidence, we came to the conclusion that some of them were intentionally and knowledgeable for purposes that we established in the body of the research, narrations and others with weak support