Extended Meshfree Approach for Crack StatisticalAnalysis of Anisotropic Functionally Graded Brazilian Disc Subjected to Traction Load
An extended meshless method that relying upon Galerkinformulation is applied on the crack analysis of orthotropic functionally graded Brazilian disc. Weak form is involved to solve the governing equation in the numerical method. In addition, enrichment terms and sub-triangle techniquesare applied to improvethe accuracy of relevant results. This paper depicts the influence of variation in the crack stretch and non-homogeneity parameters on the values of stress intensity factors using a developed MATLAB program. In the isotropic case, it is clear that when the length of crack increases, SIF increases. Graduation inhas more effect in increasing the values of SIF in corresponding increased crack length. The verification has been checked by changing the range of the J-integral domain and variation of the support domain