Fabrication and characterization of multimode optical fiber sensorfor chemical temperature monitoring using optical time domainreflectometer
In this work, the optical fiber sensor system to measure the optical loss due to temperature variation of gasoline and toluene waspapered. The optical fiber sensor was characterized using optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR). The sensor was a 50 cmmultimode fiber with about 1e3 cm at its central region being partially unclad. The partial uncladding was carried out usingchemical etching technique. The optical loss of sensor was measured when unclad part exposed to gasoline and toluene respectivelyat different temperature ranging from 25Cto60C. The optical loss of sensor increases in a step drop of OTDR trace as thetemperature is increased. The rate of optical loss was estimated to be 0.01576 dB/C and 0.02212 dB/C for gasoline and toluenerespectively.