التنظيم القانوني للجنسية الاقتصادية


Quite a number of states have proceeded promoting programs for granting citizenship on economic grounds, which varied between investment, real estate, or financial, or based on scientific or financial Competencies, as well as the countries aimed at attracting individuals with technical, sports, cultural, and other competencies. It enriches the economic impact of countries, which enrich the economic impact of states.The Countries have enacted different standards to meet the need of each country for grant citizenship on an economic basis, and these countries have depends on established principles from international law, on top of them, which is the principle of state sovereignty, which generates a group of principles that entitle states to the exclusive authority to regulate the provisions of its citizenship, and equals each country in terms of the amount of sovereignty, Thus, it reveals of the principle of proportionality to sovereignty. Which requires the obligation of states to recognize the economic nationality of a state, as long as it is accompanied by the existence of real links between the person and the state, and organized in accordance with its internal legislation within the framework of the public interest.Consistent with the subject of research, which is economic citizenship,The study will focus on the legal basis for economic citizenship programs, and the legitimacy of those foundations in two demands, the first will be held to state international right, and the second to focus on the legislative basis governing the granting of economic citizenship.