سلطة مجلس النواب بإصدار قرارات تشريعية في ضل دستور 2005
2021, Volume عدد خاص, Issue المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الافتراضي الاول لطلبة الدراسات العليا في كليات القانون, Pages 665-693
The principle of separation of powers is one of the recognized principles that are contained in many constitutions in the world and after the change that took place in Iraq in 2003 and the vote on the constitution in 2005 within this principle in the Iraqi constitution, as Article 47 of the constitution of Iraq above stipulated in the third special chapter Federal authorities (the federal authority consists of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, and exercises its competencies and tasks on the basis of the principle of separation of powers). Article 61 of the constitution defines the powers of the House of Representatives. The constitution does not give Parliament a mandate to issue legislative decisions except within certain limits, but the House of Representatives legislates For himself a perverse mistake in issuing such decisions, enacting and responding to their negatives and dealing with them in this research
the Constitution, the legislative decision, the House of Representatives, the legislative deviation, the executive authorityMetrics