Human Factors and Their Impact on Urban Expansion on Agricultural Land at The Daquq District Center for The Period (1987 – 2007)
The phenomenon of urban expansion in agricultural lands is related to population increase, inappropriate use of land and controlling it requires great efforts by the individual and the state together, and it requires high capabilities and capacities in order to stop it and prevent its expansion, especially since the factors of limited land and population growth are among the most important causes or the basis of urban expansion as well. On the other reasons that cause the loss of arable lands in order to absorb the population increase, especially since the Daquq district center is considered one of the rural areas that witness a population increase from year to year resulting from population growth compared to urban areas, which imposes an increase in demand for housing units and what these units require from warehouses and barns Animals thus carve out more agricultural land areas whose expansion is horizontal, so the first section deals with human characteristics from the study of population (population growth and density) as well as studying the state policy that shows the random and unorganized expansion, economic and social factors and transportation methods. The second topic is concerned with by studying the stages of urban expansion for the period from (2007-1978) and in two phases, while the third section is concerned with studying the rate of change occurring in the areas of urban expansion at the expense of agricultural lands.
Urbanization, Agricultural Land Uses, Human Characteristics, Percentage Change, Farmland, Daquq District, Human FactorsMetrics