The role of information and communication technology in improving motor learning among students of the sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities during quaranti
A professor of physical education and sports must use kenitic learning methods as welle kinematic models for the various physical and sports educational activities prescribed within the physical education and sports curriculum in the class . to day’s student is thefuter’s teacher.The study aimed to identify the role of media and communication technology in developing motor learning among students of the sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities during the covid-19 pandemic crisis, as the researchers wanted through this study to clarification the role of youtube videos and knowledge they provide about motor skills students of the sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities during quarantine,as well as clarification the role of social networking sites (facbook,twitter,…) in improving them motor learning ,as well as the audiovisual teaching ,tha sample study: it included 102 first year master’student from various disciplines. for thefeild procedures: the temporal and spatial feild: the search form the institute of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities Setif university ,for the temporal domain which is the period in which the study was carried out and forms were distributed electronically from May ,10,2020 to July,10,2020.the method used : was approved on the descriptive methode.The tools used : the questionnaire form.The results of the study : there was no importance for the media and communication technology in providing and developing knowledgof students in various sports motor skills in quarantineduring the covid-19 pandemic.
Kinetic learning - therapeuticMetrics