Handicraft decorations (arabesque)-past,present and future-Syria as amodel
Arabesque is on of the authentic historical arts that bear among its decorative collections many images of conscience by the artisan artist in our Islamic world ,and thus it is a decorative style called delicate geometric designs and simple abstract plant inscriptions with intersecting ,balanced and repeated twists, and these inscriptions are used in gilding ,making ceramics and weaving carpets .Sculpture, engraving and trail..etc.,and this art reached the apogee of its greatness and prosperity during the period of prosperity of the Umayyad Caliphate in the Levant ,thus skilled craftsmen emerged who excelled in this field and were able to transfer it to other countries through their distinguished and elaborate products until it reached Uriya and many other countries, and you can notice in our time the works of artists Syria plastic artists who were able to link their artworks between the past and the present, a conservative one Including them on the authentic Arab Islamic heritage.