Effect of Signal Coordination on the Traffic Operation of Urban Corridor


The severity of traffic congestion has increased in Baghdad city and influenced the public’s perception of the community. Extended travel time is experienced by users of the urban street system, so optimal traffic operation with a coordinated traffic signal system becomes necessary. Also, it is needed to alleviate congestion and progress traffic movement along the urban corridor. This study aims to evaluate and optimize traffic signal timing for selected intersections on Palestine arterial corridor and apply the coordinated signal system to reduce the users’ travel time on the selected urban corridor. Analyzing and evaluating congested signalized intersections using Synchro (ver.9) (Al-Nakhala intersection, Al-Sakhra intersection, and Beirut intersection) were performed. Also, their adopted strategies for improving traffic performance and reducing delays were provided. The overall assessment in terms of the level of service for the current traffic states is (LOS F) with an average control delay of (197.2, 166.8, and 262.3) sec/veh. for the Al-Nakhala, Al-Sakhra, and Beirut intersections respectively. The queue length appears after two cycles, becoming more severe congestion at intersections under oversaturated traffic conditions. The performance operation efficiency improved by reducing the control delay from (197.2 to 88) sec/veh, (166.8 to 46) sec/veh, and (262.3 to 76) sec/veh for the Al-Nakhala, Al-Sakhra, and Beirut intersections respectively. Even at high volume and oversaturated conditions, the blocked intersections were effectively alleviated. Finally, it was observed that the proposed signal coordination, built on standard actuated control significantly performed along the urban corridor, reducing vehicles’ delay. However, there are still concerns regarding the flow-to-capacity ratio (v/c ratio is still greater than 1), and the level of service is still in poor conditions (LOS E) for Beirut and (LOS F) for Al-Nakhala intersections. The application of signal coordination improved traffic progression by reducing travel time, and vehicle delay and alleviating blocked intersections.