Bacteriophages effects on antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus
A total of 50 swab samples were collected from patients suffering from different infections. Morphological and biochemical characterization showed that 46% isolates were characterized as Staphylococcus aureus. All these isolates were able to grow on mannitol salt agar medium and ferment mannitol and sucrose. β- hemolysin, coagulase production and antibiotics sensitivity of S.aureus, before and after treatment with phage, was examined. It showed there is no change in the β- hemolysin and in the coagulase production but lysogenic phage effect the antibiotic sensitivity of S. aureusisolates significantly. In addition plasmid DNA was isolated from bacteria whose showed multiple antibiotic resistances. Large and small bands were obtained .Thereafter curing process had done to evaluate the plasmids content, it was found entire losing for the small plasmids, while the large plasmids remain intact. From this study, it can be concluded that S.aureusisolates found in wound at high percentage; moreover,S.aureus treated with phages effect the sensitivity patterns against antibiotics.