Comparative Potential of Rhizobial Species on Wheat Productivity and Soil Status


Crop yields and soil fertility are affected by plant-microorganism interactions. For this purpose, green house experiment was conducted in the University of Sa1ahaddin- Erbi1 from 2021 to 2022, to study the foliage application effect of three species of rhizobial bacteria on durum wheat Triticum durum L. cultivar (Akassad) quality and availability of soil nutrient contents. For this experiment, completley randomized design, (CRD) with three replicates was utilized. Rhizobial inoculation in durum wheat significantly affected leaf nitrogen (N), phosphoruse (P), Potassium (K), and iron (Fe) contents, leaf protein and carbohydrate contents, yield components and soi1 nutrient contents. While the application of Rhizibium sp. (Mung bean) significantly increased leaf N and protein contents, grain number.plant-1 and total nitrogen (Total N%) contents of soil over control. Whereas application of Rhizobium sp. (Phaseo1us), increased leaf K and Fe contents, weight of 1000 grains, available phosphorusus (Avail P) and available potassium (Avail K) soil contents, compared to control. However, application of Rhizobium sp. (Faba bean) significantly increased total N, avail P and avail K contents of soil. Over all, these rhizobia can be used for preparation of effective biofertilizer to enhance crop growth.