Intersubjectivity according to Karl Marx, an analytical study in the philosophy of law
2024, Volume 16, Issue 66, Pages 468-492
Karl Marx places the law in the autonomy of intersubjectivity and Marx thus declares a “new modernity.” Intersubjectivity, as an important dimension highlighted by modern Western philosophy, has become a hot topic occupied by academic circles at home and abroad and has received widespread attention. Subjectivity to intersubjectivity for modern philosophy is a kind of thinking and transcendence of the plight of subjectivity. Because the modern era focuses on the subjectivity of epistemology in philosophy, because only from the perspective of epistemology, excessive emphasis on human rationality, plunging into a kind of paradox of the dichotomy between subject and object, makes a person's subjectivity truly unproven, the result of which is subjective rational monologue. It only leads to the topic of “idealism.” This is what causes - from Husserl To Habermas - Contemporary philosophers have turned to the intersubjective dimensions, since modern philosophy searches for solutions to the absence of the relationship between the self and the self. But when it emphasizes the relationship between the self and the other party: a complete denial and abandonment of the relationship between the self and the object, which makes the intersubjective thought lose the basis of reality. As a result, these cannot fundamentally present the problem of intersubjectivity. However, Marxist philosophy from the perspective of practical materialism, from the basis of social practice, makes the perspective of intersubjectivity a more plausible interpretation: in Marx's view, Intersubjectivity is inherent in practice. That is, the unity of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in human practice, and the realization of “subject-subject” and “subject-object” relationships, in order to avoid the “empty subject.” Therefore, the intersubjectivity of Marx's philosophy in practice expands the new significance of the theory, enriches the theoretical system of Marxist philosophy and solves the problem of time to provide us with new possibilities. As well as the West's analysis of the theory of intersubjectivity, the Western theory of intersubjectivity summarized difficulties, and even the features of itself are difficult to solve the problem of multiple contradictions, and with Marx's perspective of practical materialism in the West for the theory of intersubjectivity, the Marxist philosophy of intersubjectivity in the ability of reasonable theoretical interpretation and the requirement of theoretical and real society is of great importance.