Effect of Adding Oils or Fats in Diet on Blood Serum Proteins of Two Strain of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)


This study was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University during 2003, aimed to study the effect of adding 5% of soybean oil (T1), or sunflower oil (T2), or chicken fat (T3) or animal fat (T4) in diet on blood serum proteins of two strains of Japanese quail (brown and white plumage). A Total of 48 females of each strain were used in this study. The data obtained revealed the following results :-White plumage Japanese quail significantly (P> 0.05( had the highest percentages of albumin, g –globulin and albumin / globulin ratio (A / G ratio). When as brown plumage had the highest percentage of a –globulin. No significant (P> 0.05( variation in blood serum proteins were appeared due to the types of oils or fats added, adding 5% of chicken fat or animal fat (T3 and T4 ) increased albumin, g – globulin, summation of albumin and A/G ratio compared with the same added percentages of soybean oil or sunflower oil (T1 and T2). When as T1 and T2 increased a – globulin and summation of globulins. We can concluded that adding fat necessary to increase protein synthesis in quails.