Diplomoceratidae Ammonites from Shiranish Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in Sinjar Anticline Northwest Iraq
Diplomoceratidae ammonites were commonly referred to ammonitic types depending on their complex suture line, distinctive coiling and ornamentation. These assemblages were collected from the lower part of Shiranish Formation, exposed at core of Sinjar anticline, northwestern of Iraq.In the present study, six heteromorph species of the Diplomoceratidae family were identified and systematically described. These are:(1)Solenoceras bearpawense Kennedy et al., 2000(2)Solenoceras elegans Kennedy et al., 2000(3)Solenoceras reesidei Stephenson, 1941(4)Exiteloceras cf. jenneyi (Whitfield, 1877)(5)Diplomoceras cylindraceum (Defrance, 1816)(6)Lewyites oronensis (Lewy, 1969).