Responses in Grammar
A response is that part of coversation which achieves a benefit and completes a linguistic message; throughit the addressee gets what the speaker intends. In Arabic, responses are of various styles: there are those related to conditions, request, orders, and it also occurs in some other styles such as interrogation which take the form of question. The research has tried to investigate the response styles in Arabic as represented in Holy Quran and some other Arabic prose and poetry. It tries to reveal the semantic and rhetorical aspect of this language and its levels of elequence. What proves this is that sometimes the response is not mentioned and this is considered one of the levels of elequence since the implication is sometimes more emphatic than declaration.Some ascribe this to grasping the addressee's attention to the speech whose response is not overtly expressed more than it when it is plainly stated. This occurs a lot in Holy Quran.
Responses in GrammarMetrics