Histological modulation of adult rat's testis in response to anti-aging factor
Background: Melatonin overtops other hormones in the studies of hormonal – replacement therapy nowadays. It is an anti-aging and antioxidant, prevents the oxidative damaging events to endocrine organs including testis. Objective: The on going study tried to document that the fertility of testes must be increased by melatonin supply within the therapeutic doses.Methods: Melatonin was supplied to adult male albino rats, for successive 14 days. Rats were divided into 6 groups. Group I was the control. Group II, III, IV, V and VI were given melatonin as a daily dose of 125, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 µg / kg body weight, respectively. After the last day of treatment, animals were killed under effect of anesthesia. Left testis was studied to evaluate the fertility status.Result: The results showed significant increase in the reproductive morphology with the therapeutic doses, while highly degenerative changes seen with larger doses. Conclusion: Melatonin increases the reproductive morphology of rat's testes within therapeutic doses, whereas it induces vast damages with large doses. Key Words: Testis, melatonin, antiaging, and hormonal replacement therapy