الأبعاد الأساسية للتسويق بالعلاقات وأثرها على جودة خدمات المصارف الأردنية
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور ونس عبد الكريم ونس الهنداوي،
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور سلطان"محمد سعيد" سلطان فريحات،
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور عبد الباسط إبراهيم حسونه،
الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور خالد خلف محمد اللافي
The aim of this study was to recognize the impact of relationship marketing, on Jordanian banking service quality. The population of the study consisted of 20 Jordanian trade banks. Accessible population of banks work in Amman was selected. The selection was done by a simple random sample. A purposeful sample of 80 staff represent 8 banks work in Amman was selected. However. Sixty eight of the staff who answered the questionnaire, were analyzed by using Multiple Regression Analysis. As a result of hypothesis testing, analyzing and discussing of results, the study has concluded that there is an impact of relationship marketing, on Jordanian banking service quality.
relationship marketing, customers database, customers communication methods, internal Marketing, banking service qualityMetrics