Effect of Calcium Chloride on Hatching, Growth and Survival of Snails Lymnaea auricularia- Intermediat host of Fasciola gigantica
The effect of three different concentration ( 1.0 , 2.0 and 2.5 gL) of calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) on hatching , growth and survival of Lymnaea auricularia snails serves as intermediate host of Fasciola gigantica parasites.The current study showed that increasing of calcium chloride concentration lead to lower the rates of eggs hatching and effect on the rate of shell growth which recorded the highest weekly rate length of the snails in week 10 and reached ( 8.68 , 8.86 and 8.80 ) mm respectively , compared with control samples and the highest growth rate of the snails was recorded using 2.0 g L concentration and reach (8.86 ) mm and lowest growth rate was recorded in control samples .As noted that calcium chloride effect on the percentage of survival snails, which that reached 30% in 1.0g/L and 10% in 2.0g/L and2.5g/L compared with control samples 20%.