The Relationship between Fibrinogen Level and very High Parity


AbstractObjective: To evaluate coagulation parameters in healthy pregnant grand – grand multi paras women in comparison with healthy pregnant women who had delivered two or less.Study design: cross-sectional study.Setting: Al -Yarmouk Teaching Hospital /department of Obstetrics & Gynecology for a period of twelve months from the first of May 2009 to the end of April 2010. Patient and Methods: The study included a total of hundred women, divided in 2 groups, group A (study group) included 50 pregnant women who delivered seven or more children (grand - grand multi paras) and group B control group included 50 pregnant women who had delivered up to twice .The women in both groups attended our outpatient clinic were matched for maternal age, gestational age and had normal singleton pregnancies. All patients were scheduled to undergo blood test after overnight fasting and subjected for the following investigations (complete blood count, Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time), fibrinogen and D. Dimer level. Results: There was statistically significant difference in fibrinogen level between grand - grand multi paras's pregnant women and low parity pregnant women (P-value 0.047). In both groups D. Dimer, Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time level were not significantly different. Conclusion: 1. The fibrinogen levels in healthy grand-grand multi paras women are lower than in age matched women with low parity 2. These changes are not associated with fibrinogen consumption /production during pregnancy. Key wards: Grand multi paras, singleton pregnancy and fibrinogen level.