Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences

Published by University of Anbar

ISSN: 2071-6028 (Print)
ISSN: 2706-8722 (Electronic)

Language: Arabic

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Al-Anbar University for Islamic Sciences was founded in 2009 by Al-Anbar University for Islamic Sciences with four issues a year. It publishes research in Islamic disciplines related to the previously unpublished Shari'ah sciences in the field of forensic science. The research is accepted for publication and published in scientific faculties. And other colleges. In addition, the work of the conference is being held at our College and the University Conference. The journal is a quarterly journal dealing with publishing research for the purposes of promotion of university professors. The first issue was issued in 2009, and attracted research from outside the country. This magazine has received the International Standard Classification ISSN: 2071-602 and is continuing to provide its issuance to all Iraqi universities and educational institutions in addition to the relevant ministries. Books and Documents in Baghdad (1235) for the year 2009.

Open Access
Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.

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Researchers may cite research and articles published in the journal provided that they are referred to as a source and the name of the author of the article is mentioned.