Misan Journal of Academic Studies

Published by Misan University

ISSN: 1994-697X (Print)
ISSN: 2706-722X (Electronic)

Language: Arabic and English


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Issued the magazine in its first issue in 1996 by the Scientific Committee at Teachers College of the University of Basra, on behalf of the magazine, university teacher and continued Balsdor until the year 2003 before the fall of the regime and then returned for issuance in 2005 after it was obtained ISIN ISSN: 1812-7576 Two years later has approval of the College of basic Education and the Council of the University of Maysan to change the name of the magazine to magazine Maysan studies Academy and get the numbering of the new international ISSN: 1994-697X and so far released six volumes included a number of twelve different areas of pure science and applied and humanity. It is worth mentioning that the semi-annual magazine publication.

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