Journal of college of Law for Legal and Political Sciences
Published by Kirkuk University
ISSN: 2226-4582 (Print)
Language: Arabic
Subjects: Law (General); National law; Foreign national law; Law in general
Coincide with the place in Iraq transformations partial in various fields, especially scientific ones, and out to keep up with developments in the field of scientific research, has been keen College of Law - University of Kirkuk to keep up these changes and keep pace with these developments, through the open channel to continue the scientific research and elevate it to the best levels through the feet of our college to open the Faculty of Law Journal of Legal Science and Political Rights.It was to open this magazine important effect in stimulating scientific personnel, particularly lecturers of them to the trend toward writing in order to research published in the magazine, which was reflected in a positive way to spread the spirit of scientific perseverance they have.Not lacking in the role of the refinery to stimulate scientific personnel at the college only, but extended to include the various Iraqi universities, and actually crowned this role a success as it passed our college the first issue of the magazine on 1 2 2012, which holds the cover to cover eleven research to researchers affiliated to various universities in Iraq as well as by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq.We have agreed the Editorial Board at its founding that the issuance of the preparation of the magazine every three months and already have exported the second issue on 1 5 2012 and in the same context in which it issued its first issue and we are now in the process to issue the third issue of our magazine on 1 8 2012.It is reconciled to God