Published by Iraqia University

ISSN: 2790-2560 (Print)

Language: Arabic and English

Subjects: Economics; Business and management
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ECONOMICS AND ADMINSTRATIVE STUDIES JOURNAL (EASJ) is an international scientific peer reviewed one, it has the standard international number  (2790-2560 (Print) issued by college of Administration and Economics AL-Iraqia university Republic of Iraq. It is supervised by specialist academic editorial board with professional staff composed of faculty members, working in deferent international universities, financial advisers, experts and economists. This Journal plays an essential role in the field of scientific research through its contribution to publish original scientific researches which covers the latest developments in the field of entrepreneurship such as business administration, accounting, statistics, economy banking and financial sciences in addition to other related economic sciences.

All researches in this Journal are submitted to review and arbitration system which in turn based on internal rules and policies to assess the scientific researches.

Scope of the Journal

The coverage of the journal includes business administration, accounting, statistics, economy banking and financial sciences in addition to other related economic sciences.

Open Access
ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES JOURNAL (EASJ) is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.

Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.