Mesopotamia Environmental Journal
Published by Babylon University
ISSN: 2410-2598 (Print)
Language: English
Subjects: Environmental studies (General); Environmental engineering; Biology; Biology and miscellaneous; Hydraulic engineering
Mesopotamia Environmental Journal (Mesop. Environ. J.) is a peer-reviewed journal. All papers suitable for the Journal will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The Journal is published quarterly. There is not any definite timeline for manuscript submission, and your paper (s) is always welcome. The Journal only accepts papers in English. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, Mesopotamia Environmental Journal is an International, professional, peer-reviewed Journal. It is regularly published quarterly in English by Environment Research Center, University of Babylon, Iraq. Its mission is to provide an interactive plenary forum for discussion and debates about pressing and current environmental issues.
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