Al-Esraa university college journal for Engineering Sciences

Published by Al-esraa university

ISSN: 2709-7145 (Print)
ISSN: 2790-7732 (Electronic)

Language: Arabic and English

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The Journal of Al-Esraa University College is a refereed scientific journal that examines engineering fields in all its branches. The Esraa University College Journal does not receive any financial support from governmental or non-governmental organizations, and it is self-financing

Scope of the Journal

The journal publishes scientific research by researchers in the disciplines of engineering and sciences pure as follows: -

architecture engineering - civil engineering - chemical engineering - Computer Engineering - electrical engineering Materials Engineering - Mechanical Engineering -............ etc.

Open Access
Al-Esraa university college journal for Engineering Sciences is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.

Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.