Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture

Published by Mosul University

ISSN: 1815-316X (Print)

Language: Arabic and English

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Mesopotamia journal of Agriculture was issued for the first time in 1966 and continued until the year 1982, the journal stopped for three years according to the ministerial order which distributing scientific journals between Iraqi universities , according to scientific field , where University of Salahaddin issued Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Zanko), this Journal was the only one in agricultural sciences in Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mesopotamia journal of Agriculture was reissued again in 1986 , in 2000 it was adopted as country Journal , its name was changed to the Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences. And got international number ISSN 1609-4077, in 2004 it has been re-named to Mesopotamia journal of Agriculture , adopted as country - periodical Journal and got new international number ISSN 1815-316X during that year No 1,Volume 33 was Issued which regarded continuing to the previous volume before changing it's name to Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences. The journal is continued issuing up to day in 2012 to the present volume(40). The journal issuing in 1966 as one number per year, and currently four numbers issued periodically annually. It should be noted that the first issue in 1966 had five research in English, for the time being increased to include 30 papers in both Arabic and English. The journal has got during the period of its work high ministerial assessments where it's editorial board has got a thanks letter in 1996, and appreciation from the Minister of high education and scientific research for it's exceptional, the journal also considered outstanding in 2009 as well as the ministry shield and a merit certificate.Has got the magazine in 2012 on the reliability of international and thus become accessible to all countries of the world.