Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 16816579 22244719 (Paper)
ISSN 22244719 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Medicine (General)
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 26635453 26635461 (Paper)
ISSN 26635461 (Electronic)
Language English
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 18151140 27081370 (Paper)
ISSN 27081370 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Environmental studies (General), Environmental engineering, Biotechnology, Biology, Biology and miscellaneous, Medicine (General), Agriculture (General), Veterinary science, Dermatology, Internal medicine, Oncology, Hematology, Gastroenterology, Allergy and immunology, Medical technology and radiology, Pathology, Public health and social medicine, Microbiology, Plant culture, Chemical Engineering
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 25219154 25219162 (Paper)
ISSN 25219162 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Technology and engineering (General)
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 20709250 27902404 (Paper)
ISSN 27902404 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Political science (General)
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 26166984 22180265 (Paper)
ISSN 22180265 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Allergy and immunology, Genitourinary system and urology, Endocrinology and diabetes, Gynecology and obstetrics, Medicine (General)
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 2222758X 27897362 (Paper)
ISSN 27897362 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Telecommunication, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Production and engineering management
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 27088790 27094251 (Paper)
ISSN 27094251 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Energy, Business and management, Service management, Economics, Statistics
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 27069907 27069915 (Paper)
ISSN 27069915 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Biology, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Genetics and evolution, Internal medicine, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 30075491 30075505 (Paper)
ISSN 30075505 (Electronic)