About the journal
Kirkuk Journal of Science (Kirkuk J. Sci.) (Print ISSN: 3005-4788 and Online ISSN: 3005-4796) is the new title and a continuation of Kirkuk University Journal-Scientific Studies (KUJSS) (Print ISSN: 1992-0849 and Online ISSN: 2616-6801). It is a scientific, open access, and refereed journal published since 2006 by the College of Science, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq.
The Kirkuk Journal of Science (Kirkuk J. Sci.) is devoted to significant original research articles in the broad spectrum of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics. The journal has stopped publishing Engineering and Computer Science papers after the change to the new title, which took effect with Issue 3 of Volume 18 for the year 2023.
The full length and review articles (only written in English) shall be considered for publication only with the understanding that they are neither under concurrent consideration by any journal nor have been published elsewhere. The submitted papers are being checked for potential plagiarism using the iThenticate software. Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blinded peer-review system to assure the quality of the publication. The journal is published every quarter (4 issues a year).
This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0).
Date of the first issue: 2006.
No. issues per year (4).
Publication dates: 27-30th of March, June, September, and December.
No. of issues published between 2006-2023 (54) issues.