Found: 7 resources
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The impact of financial liberalization on human capital in Iraq is a benchmark study for the period 2005-2016
AL-Anbar University journal of Economic and Administration Sciences, 2019, Volume 11, Issue 27, Pages 79-100
Measuring the Effect of Financial Liberalization on ASE Performance Using Distributed Slowdown Models (ARDL)
AL-Anbar University journal of Economic and Administration Sciences, 2019, Volume 11, Issue 27, Pages 185-211
The role of financial liberalization in enhancing the relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in a group of Arab countries and for the period (2004-2016)
AL-Anbar University journal of Economic and Administration Sciences, 2019, Volume 11, Issue 27, Pages 260-273
The impact of financial indicators on the rate of economic growth in Iraq under the policies of financial liberalization for the period (2004-2019)
Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, 2022, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 161-181
Measuring The Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth in A Sample of Developing Countries Using The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)Model For The Period (1960-2010)
TANMIAT AL-RAFIDAIN, 2013, Volume 35, Issue 114 following, Pages 31-47
التحرير المالي وأثره على النمو الاقتصادي في الأردن
Journal of Baghdad College of Economic sciences University, 2018, Volume , Issue 56, Pages 317-334
The role of financial liberalization in promoting stability and financial and economic development - a study of the Iraqi financial and economic case 2012-2020
AL-Anbar University journal of Economic and Administration Sciences, 2022, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 195-212
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