Found: 11 resources
Reverse Intra-oral Periapical Radiography For Mandibular Posterior Teeth
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 143-150
Location of the mandibular foramen-Radiographic study
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2002, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 214-219
Radiographic evaluation of mental foramen on the panoramic radiography
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2002, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 349-359
Radiological accuracy in the interpretation of apical fitness in endodontics
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2006, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 151-154
The prevalence of root resorption in radiographically examined teeth
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2001, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 148-152
Temporomandibular Joint Assessment of Pre and Post Prosthetic Treatment of Par-tially Edentulous Patient (Radiographic Examination)
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2011, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 12-23
The Effect of Laser Welding on the Ten-sile Strength and Radiographic Analysis of Co-Cr Repaired Joints
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2012, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 1-13
Biocompatibility of Soldering Materials Used for Repair of Cobalt Chromium Joints
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2013, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 7-13
Calibration Factor for Conventional Linear Cephalometric Measurements
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2018, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 31-41
Assessment of rabbit mandibular bone response to different amalgam implants radiographically
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 20-27