Found: 26 resources
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using LSTM Algorithm
Wasit Journal of Computer and Mathematics Science, 2022, Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages 39-53
The New Intelligent System for the Protection of E-learning from Penetration
Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science, 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 41-44
Detection of Covid-19 Based on Chest Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligent Techniques: A Review
Iraqi Journal for Electrical And Electronic Engineering, 2021, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 176-182
Enhancing The Performance of Intrusion Detection Using CNN And Reduction Techniques
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 77-94
Artificial Intelligentt Method for Tuning the Output Scaling Factor of a Fuzzy Controller
AL-Rafidain Engineering Journal (AREJ), 2011, Volume 19, Issue 5, Pages 40-52
Design and Implementation of an Interface Unit Communicated by a Laser System Within Wireless Sensor Network
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2016, Volume 34, Issue 13 Part (A) Engineering, Pages 2507-2517
Estimation Load Forecasting Based on the Intelligent Systems
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 2018, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 285-291
Microscopic Imaging of Red Cell Aggregation with Photoacoustic Technique
Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, Volume 18, Issue 4, Pages 3-8
Cybersecurity Challenges in Smart Cities: An Overview and Future Prospects
Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 2022, Volume 2022, Issue VOL 2, Pages 1-4
The Use of Genetic Algorithms in the Process of Distribution of loans in Banks
Economic Sciences, 2014, Volume 9, Issue 35, Pages 121-134