Found: 683 resources
Kurdish EFL Students' Perceptions towards Summative and Formative Assessment at Salahaddin University
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 2024, Volume 31, Issue العدد (5), Pages 38-62
Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Assessment
AL-MANSOUR JOURNAL, 2011, Volume , Issue 16, Pages 63-74
An Assessment of Iraqi EFL Learners' Ability to Produce English Stressed Syllables in Disyllabic and Trisyllabic words
Iraqi Journal of Humanitarian, Social and Scientific Research, 2022, Volume 2, Issue 7A, Pages 476-495
Assessment of study design criteria of articles in the Annals of College of Medicine, Mosul 1990-2000
IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE, 2009, Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 228-233
Nurses' knowledge about psychiatric patient seclusion in Jordan
kufa Journal for Nursing sciences, 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 109-113
Assessment of Patient's Knowledge about Avoidance of Recurrent Urolithiasis
kufa Journal for Nursing sciences, 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 234-242
Obsessive‑Compulsive Symptoms among Clients Attending Psychiatric Outpatients’ Clinic in Duhok
Medical Journal of Babylon, 2018, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 155-159
Disability assessment of diabetic patients in Erbil city
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 902-909
Assessment of primary schools' environment in Erbil city
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2013, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 417-421
Duhok Medical Journal, 2017, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 32-37