Found: 13 resources
تـقـيـيـم الأداء المالي بإسـتـخـدام نـمــوذج Sherrod للـتـنـبـــؤ بـخــطــر الفـشـــــل الـمـالـي بحث تطبيقي على عينة من شركات التأمين العامة والخاصة
Journal of Baghdad College of Economic sciences University, 2020, Volume 2020, Issue conference, Pages 219-242
Borrowing and tax shield and their impact on the value of the corporation / Empirical Study in the Iraq Stock market
University of Kirkuk Journal For Administrative and Economic Science, 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 114-142
The impact of the adoption of intellectual capital components in building the foundations of a lean Accounting at Jordanian industrial corporation -field study -
AL-Anbar University journal of Economic and Administration Sciences, 2017, Volume 9, Issue 20, Pages 243-272
Factors affecting the formation of the mental image of Communication Corporations - a survey study of Etisalat Corporation users in the United Arab Emirates from May 10, 2020 to November 10, 2020.
AL-ADAB JOURNAL, 2021, Volume , Issue 139, Pages 589-614
Physio-Chemical Preparation of Slow-Release Potassium Fertilizers
Journal of Biotechnology Research Center, 2022, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 31-38
واقع ممارسة عمليات إدارة المعرفة في المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة )دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من العاملين بمؤسسة مطاحن الجلفة(
Journal Of AL-Turath University College, 2022, Volume 1, Issue 34, Pages 141-153
Corporation governance that affect on Internal Auditor making Decision of tthical
journal of Economics And Administrative Sciences, 2010, Volume 16, Issue 59, Pages 239-257
Davos Forum and its impact on international policy interactions
Tikrit Journal for Political Science, 2021, Volume 2, Issue 24, Pages 317-335
Role of the Leader’s Strategic Mindset in enhancing High involvement Management Practices
Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 2024, Volume 20, Issue 79, Pages 31-52