Found: 3123 resources
Difficulties in the Empowerment of Iraqi Teachers of English through professional Development Activities.
Diyala Journal of Human Research, 2015, Volume , Issue 67, Pages 1-17
Human development and its relationship to demographic developments in Iraq for the period 2009-2019
Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 2020, Volume 23, Issue 3 special, Pages 501-527
Sustainable agricultural development in semi-arid environments (Applied study on the province of Batha - Chad)
Misan Journal of Academic Studies, 2021, Volume 20, Issue مؤتمر الاتجاهات الحديثة والمجالات التطبيقية لعلم الجغرافيا - ملحق 40, Pages 48-63
Difference in Development between the East and the West An Alytical Social Study
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2022, Volume 52, Issue 90.1, Pages 1161-1188
The role of development media in the process of social development
Journal of University of Anbar for Humanities, 2018, Volume , Issue 2, Pages 322-330
Jean Piaget as a Pioneer of Modern Psychology: Critical Review
Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 2021, Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 335-339
Indicators of social development and comprehensive development In the United Arab Emirates
AL-ADAB JOURNAL, 2022, Volume , Issue 140, Pages 509-532
Technological revolution, cultural changes, and their relationship to sustainable development
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences, 2024, Volume 16, Issue 64, Pages 262-281
The Role of Women in Social Development: Field Research in Erbil
Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 2024, Volume 28, Issue SpC, Pages 249-276
The impact of a pilot program in accordance with the method of self-efficacy in the development of professional integrity and personal responsibility among the staff of the Faculty of Education
Diyala Journal of Human Research, 2009, Volume , Issue 41, Pages 185-206