Found: 309 resources
AL-ADAB JOURNAL, 2016, Volume , Issue 116 Supplement, Pages 27-44
The effect of addition chlorhixidine gluconate (powder) on the properties of heat cured acrylic resin
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 25-34
مدى توافر أبعاد مرونة سلسلة التجهيز دراسة استطلاعية في معمل أسمنت حمام العليل الجديد في نينوى
Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, 2022, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 349-366
Assessing the Reality of Organizational Flexibility in the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works - A Case
Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences, 2022, Volume , Issue 51, Pages 51-61
تأثير مرونة الموارد البشرية في تعزيز البراعة التنظيمية دراسة تحليلية في مصنع الألبسة الرجالية الجاهزة في النجف الأشرف
Journal Of AL-Turath University College, 2022, Volume 1, Issue 34, Pages 274-291
The effect of flexibility exercises to rehabilitation the boys with kyphosis
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education, 2024, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 296-311
The Effect Of Marketing Flexibility on Marketing Excellence "An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders in private universities and colleges in the Middle Euphrates region"
AL-Qadisiyah Journal For Administrative and Economic sciences, 2024, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 186-199
Role of Dimensions of Strategic Flexibility in Enhancing Strategic Niche of Organizations Analytical survey research at Kaleeg Dairy Products Company in Holy Karbala
Assist. Prof. Dr.Ahmed Abdullah Amanah,
Assist. Instructor. Hussein Ali Abdallah,
Assist. Instructor. Fatima Abid Ali Salman
AL-SSEBT JOURNAL, 2023, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 99-122
Modelingand AnalysisofIXP425 Network Processor
AL-Rafidain Engineering Journal (AREJ), 2012, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 116-130
The Effect of Aerobics Exercises on the Two Traits of Flexibility and Fitness of Female Students
Al-Fatih journal, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 68, Pages 17-27