Found: 5 resources
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The Relationship between Brain Computed Tomography Scan Findings and Prognosis in Patients with Missile-penetrating Head Injuries
Medical Journal of Babylon, 2022, Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 640-645
The Outcome of Retained Metallic Foreign Bodies in Upper and Lower Limbs…………...
Karbala Journal of Medicine, 2009, Volume 2 no.8, 9, Issue 5, Pages 692-696
Three Dimensional Simulation of Supersonic Flow over Missiles of Different Shapes
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2012, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 325-343
The Rate of Non Union in High Velocity Missile Open Limb Fractures and the Factors Influencing It: a 5 Year Retrospective and Prospective Study from Medical City in Baghdad(part 1)
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2012, Volume 11, Issue supplement, Pages 684-693
Criminal responsibility for murders by drones
Journal of The Iraqi University, 2022, Volume 54, Issue 1, Pages 250-258
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