Found: 967 resources
Review of biological stability and corrosion potential in drinking water distribution system
Mesopotamia Environmental Journal, 2019, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 1-11
Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Engineering Sciences, 2009, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 477-485
The Impact of Switching on the Dynamics of Prey-Predator Model for a Switching Tendency
Al-Nahrain Journal of Science, 2014, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 181-188
A Study of a Prey-Predator System with Disease in Prey
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2015, Volume 33, Issue 3 Part (B) Scientific, Pages 461-477
The Relationship between Air Stability and Visibility over Baghdad City
Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science, 2021, Volume 32, Issue 2THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE (ICAS 2020), Pages 82-89
Sufficient Conditions for Conditional Stability of the Zero Solution of Systems of Impulsive Functional Differential Equations
Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, 2012, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 245-248
Estimating the Stability of Orthodontic Micro-implant after Applying Orthodontic Force "An Experimental in Vivo Study"
Al-Rafidain Dental Journal, 2013, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 154-161
Asymptotic Stability of Index 2 and 3 Hesenberg Differential Algebraic Equations
Iraqi Journal of Science, 2014, Volume 55, Issue 4B, Pages 1927-1934
Evaluation of released tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] varieties for the adaptability and stability using univariate stability parameters
Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 13-23
Simulation of transient stability evaluation of a 3-phase induction motor controller
Al-Fatih journal, 2021, Volume 17, Issue 88, Pages 1-11